Wednesday, June 1, 2016

NGO Organogram

Organogram is just an organizational chart of staff position. It shows the relationship among varieties designated workforces/volunteers/human resources and units. A person can guess the interaction and formal mood of communication among unit to unit through organogram. Another important part of organogram is job description is reflected here. With the help of organogram, each staff member can know his/her job title, required particular tasks, supervisor and subordinate, unit or section, minimum skill or qualification and experience required to perform this job.
We found three type of organogram. Those are—

  • Hierarchical based organoram
  • Team based organoram
  • Networking based organoram 

Image of ngo organogram

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Network Structures

Image of network structure

Some cases we found a platform where forgather independent or semi-independent organizations to share data, information, resources and responsibility for joint project. Among them one of the organization works as leader and other organizations use to take registration or membership from leader organization. Leader NGO appoint some expert who help its member organizations to achieve organizational goal by providing technical support. They conducted training session on varieties topics for enhance professional skill development and awareness building on contemporary burning issues or any other issues for its member organization. Sometimes they provide financial support directly or help for raising fund from financial institute or donor agency for their member organizations.

Team Structure

Image of team structure

Team structures means those structured NGOs who are worked by forming formal or informal group. The frantic effort of a team structured NGO is to build relations among formal and informal group which make an impression to a workforce. This type of NGOs use to emphasizes interpersonal relationship because of it is a definitive of dealing and performance. With mentioned features team structures are difference from hierarchical structures. Group leaders use to make final decision and managers work as facilitators in team structures organization. Managers are responsible for setting motive and destination and assess performance. Participatory and interactive are found in presence in work style. Generally team structures NGOs are found in third world. This type of organizations usually work for poverty alleviation, reduce social discrimination, socio-economical development etc, food security, food for work, create self-employment etc.

Hierarchical Structures

Image of hierarchical sturctures
A memorable number of NGOs are found hierarchical who are playing important role to promotion of respective religion.  Those are separated by several features.  The feature of this structure is directive management style. Few managers are controlled the whole organization who are appointed on merit. The appointment authority hopes, the manager will control total management functions like discipline in everywhere, motivation to workforce and compliance etc. Few units with relevant staffs use to work under each manager to reach the organizational goal. The organogram structure of such organizations are look like just a pyramid.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Types of Organizational Structures

There have various type of structure in organizations. On the other hand, we can say that according to different structure, we found various type of organizations. The following aspects are indicate those structure....
  • Managerial and functional aspect.
  • Flows of information and processional aspect
  • Flexibility or responsiveness aspect  
A manager have to gather knowledge about the type of his or her organization due to derive important clues which are essential or potential for any change.

We found habitually three types of NGOs according to the form of variations. Those are as follows-
  •      Hierarchical Structures Based NGO

Image of hierarchical structures
  •            Team Structures Based NGO

Image of team structures
  •            Network Structures Based NGO  
Image of network structures

Thursday, May 26, 2016


Every organization has an organizational structure which shows the total picture of the organization and the manager should be concerned about this structure. Clarifies of relationships, roles and regulations, responsibilities, level of authority, monitoring and supervisory line, reporting procedure of all type of human resource who are involve with the organization are mention briefly in an effective organizational structure. Which human capability, probable financial resources and present position, availability of technical wealthy, the policy of their allocation and lacking of those resources which are essential for respective organization regarding concepts are acquired by steadying an organization’s structure. A fruitful structure can help the management to make policy for smoothly running respective institute. Generally the following aspects are included in a constitution/structure.

According to enlargement, we found four stage of an organization. Those are as follows-
  • Elementary Level
  • Commence or expansion level
  • Integration or consolidation level
  • Grown or mature level 
Elementary Level: Actually this level called the start level. At this stage we found brittle or friable management and limitation of systems and resources. Some of the organization were broken this time.
Commence or Expansion Level: After passing the elementary level or have stabilized their organizational structures, they think about their programs and services. At this time they create communication between their programs or services and targeted society or area assess its possibility, advantage or disadvantage and alternative if disadvantage would be greater than advantage. Then it is treated as 'ready to expand'.
Integration or Consolidation Level: At this stage, there is varieties type of alternative strategic plan herein the organization select a suitable strategic focus. Systems are strengthened and competence are amplified at this time and made advancement en route for larger durability.
Grown or Mature Level: This is the final stage when an organization acquired self-sufficiency. Meanwhile, the company gained the ability to effectively manage operations and synthesize among vision, mission, goal, objective, strategy, structure and systems due to face the inside and outside trend and contraventions.